Auto Recycling Manifesto
Save the dates of February 25-26, 2015
for the 4th annual Iowa Automotive Recy-
clers HILL DAY event. It will be an excit-
ing event this year with the recent election
outcome bringing in new legislators to the
dome. The event will kick
off on Wednesday, February 25th with the
IAR Board and Member Meeting to dis-
cuss the 2015 legislative goals and indus-
try information to be shared with the
Senators, Representative and their staff.
November / December 2014
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
Auto Recyclers Manifesto from front cover 12 4th Annual Hill Day from front cover 11 Mike Swift ARA Vice President 14 Iowa Affiliate Chapter of the Year 2014 16 In The News... 20 Jerry Brock President’s Award 21 ARA Update 22Visit our website
Www.IowaAutoRecyclers.comSummer Outing 2013 Recap
Setting the legislative agenda is one of the
most difficult but important tasks an asso-
ciation Board of Directors embarks upon.
The IAR Board takes their duties serious
enough to have been
recognized by ARA as
the Affiliate Chapter of
the Year in Nashville,
TN in October 2014.
In the big picture the
association goals are
driven by idiosyncra-
sies of the industry
and existing laws. In
automotive recycling
one of the driving
forces in setting legis-
lative goals is
consumer safety
. Other
concerns are market conditions for vehi-
cles and commodities and consumer fraud
protection from illegal activity in the indus-
try. Automobile sales, or the lack there of,
often have a immediate effect on pur-
chases consumers make for repairs and a
lag affect on parts availability down the
road. The great recession initially drove
consumers to hold off on new car buying
and make repairs to the
used car they were
driving. After the parts
boom the metal mar-
kets spiked making
those who had the
habit of hoarding
crusher cars very
happy. Unfortunately,
the same economic ad-
vantages also brought
many unlicensed, un-
regulated and un-
wanted entities into the
market. That upswing of “pirates,” as my
friend Mike Swift calls the illegal busi-
nesses in the industry, brings us back to
the legislative priority setting.
Continued on page 12...
Iowa Auto Recyclers Annual Hill Day