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Recyclers News Press
Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Tracy
Hurst, Mike Swift, Brad Osborn, Eric L. Piper, Mike
Davidson, Tom Snyder, Eric C. Piper, Brent Nugent,
Jordan Barkow, Pat Rooff, Joel McCaw, Jodi Kunde,
David Hesmer and Jeff Smid.
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at
5:22 p.m.
New Business:
Legislative Priorities and Rebuilder Tax Basis – Sue
gave an update on the issue of the rebuilder tax basis
and said Bill Brauch, Chief to Consumer Protection
Division at the Attorney General’s office, is a good
resource for the problem with the Rebuilder Form and
the “fair market value” issue. After a lot of discussion
it was decided the sub-committee members (Sue,
Mike S. and Clyde) would set up a meeting with Bill
for further discussion. He may be the one to take it to
the DOT on our behalf. At this point, we haven’t
made any headway with the DOT on the rebuilder
form. Mike S. would contact Bill to see about a meet-
ing on the morning of November 13
Howard Nussbaum Report – Sue will have copies of
this report for the board members at the face-to-face
meeting in November. Before that time, though, she
asked the board members to look through the report
she has emailed to everyone and come up with our
individual Top Three items and be ready to discuss
those at the November meeting. We will need to
have Jim Piazza take our priority list to the bill-writers
for further legislative action.
Member Survey – Sue said she has been asked to
consider doing a member-wide survey on the busi-
ness climate of the auto recycling industry. After
some discussion on the best way to conduct this sur-
vey, Sue will check first on the cost of using Survey
Monkey for a totally anonymous survey and will get
back to the board. Another idea was an email in
which members could respond directly to Sue.
Promotional Campaign on Green Recycled Parts –
Sue asked about putting some funds toward promot-
ing recycled parts by commercials, billboards and
internet advertising for using used parts, buying lo-
cally and raising our profile. This would be a long-
term project.
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
October 14, 2014 5:15 pm