Recyclers News Press
Page 5
From the Desk of the Executive Director
Sue Speaking
Most importantly, being affiliated with ARA gives us
the national perspective, a chance to compare notes
with other members and other state chapters and to
support the work they do at the federal level.
We also get a chance to see what is going on in Can-
ada, England and the world through ARA which is
something we would not have access to otherwise.
The resources ARA offers their membership are just
fabulous, not just vendors discount programs either,
the education through ARA University, Scholarship
program, a huge conference each year, publications
and of course the government affairs staff keeping an
eye on Washington! That is a good subject for an en-
tire newsletter! There is that much going on at ARA.
The global economy is very instrumental in the used
auto parts industry so having ARA there to bring it all
together is an insurance program for us.
Another subject worthy of publication is our own
proud roots. Founded in 1957 by John Vander Haag,
IAR has established itself as “a non-profit organization
of persons, firms and corporations involved in the re-
covery and sale of used parts of motor vehicles, or
those who support or are engaged in the selling of
parts, equipment, supplies or services to the disman-
tling industry.”
Since IAR’s inception, the association has maintained
a stable membership, currently boasting 61 members
throughout their state. An important function of IAR is
to provide an opportunity for members to fellowship
and network with their industry peers because they
recognize that there is strength in numbers, and col-
lectively, they can do more than any individual can do
on their own.
IAR works doggedly to improve both the current state
of the automotive recycling industry and the image the
industry presents to the public consumers.
I look forward to another great year of IAR accom-
plishments and a little bit of tooting our own horn too!
So watch for announcements about this year’s Sum-
mer Outing in Des Moines and if you have some time
to dig up a few pictures (that will do us proud in the
public eye) I would be ever so grateful if you sent
them my way. Tom Snyder sparked an idea to cap-
ture our history and honor those who have served us
so faithfully in these many years of our success.
Thanks for listening
Sue Schauls
Sue Schauls, Executive Director