Recyclers News Press
Page 9
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
November 13, 2014 1:00 pm
Cindy’s Corner Café—Urbandale
The IAR Board of Directors met at Cindy’s Corner
Café in Urbandale, Iowa on November 13, 2014 at
noon for lunch and to view a demonstration by Back
Lot Auctions presented by Scott Wolfe.
Attendees: Andy, Brad, Jordan, Pat, Mike D, EricLP,
Tom Q, Jodi, Clyde, Mike S, Dave, Brent, Sue.
Meeting was opend with Anti-Trust reminder and call
to order at 1:04 pm and roll call by Andy Wilken,
Recap of the morning meeting at the AG Office:
Clyde, MikeS and Sue had met with Bill Brauch, Di-
rector of the Consumer Protection Division of the At-
torney General’s Office, earlier that day to discuss the
Rebuilders Form. The form is requiring a third-party
“Fair Market Value” evaluation when non-licensed re-
builders attempt to re-title the vehicle from an Iowa
salvage title to a prior salvage title after repairs. The
form indicates that the NDA book value should be
used as a better tax-basis value than the receipt of
purchase. Iowa Auto Recyclers representatives had
previously met with the IA DOT and Department of
Revenue staff to express our concern that NADA
does not have a prior salvage table to reference and
that full book value overvalues the vehicle which was
unfair to the consumer. Having failed to make a case
to rescind the form or at least re-word the form to ac-
cept the sales receipt, the delegates sought justice
through the Consumer Protection Division on behalf
of our customers rebuilding salvage vehicles as a
hobby therefore subject to road use tax upon registra-
tion unlike a dealer.
Following a discussion on the meeting, the Board
agreed that we will wait for some feedback from Bill
Brauch’s staff member that deals with DOT and Dept
of Revenue issues. Hopefully, the matter will be re-
solved through this common sense approach and will
not require clarification through the legislative ap-
proach such as running bill.
Legislative Priority Setting:
The recently published BMP Guide for auto salvage
legislation at the state level (see page 12) was re-
viewed. The Board worked through the 20 recommen-
dation from a detailed summary of the
“Comprehensive Vehicle Branding and total Loss Best
Practice Guide” published by the NSVRP on August
24, 2014. The purpose of the exercise was to evalu-
ate the recommendation in light of the existing Iowa
code and decide the 2015 legislative priority.
Upon review many of the Iowa state laws have ac-
complished the GUIDE recommendations. Those
items are noted in green on pages 12-13 and will be
correlated with code citations to Iowa Administrative
Code (IAC) at a later date. The detailed information
from the GUIDE will also be compared to the existing
Iowa code to see if opportunities to enhance the lan-
guage pop up.
Continued on page 10