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Recyclers News Press
MANASSAS, VA – Professional Automotive Recy-
cler Mike Swift, Swift's Trails End Auto Recycling,
Des Moines, Iowa, became the First Vice President
of the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) at
the 71st Annual ARA Convention & Exposition in
Nashville, Tennessee, October 22-25, 2014. His
tenure on the Executive Committee of the Associa-
tion continues to help shape and guide the Associa-
tion’s initiatives and directives as determined by the
Board of Directors and membership of the ARA.
Swift's commitment to the ARA will ultimately lead to
his service as President of the Association in 2015-
Swift feels that it is important for professional auto-
motive recyclers to get involved in doing their part to
help change the tide of issues the industry faces.
“The ARA is the voice of our industry,” says Mike
Swift. “It is important to get involved either by volun-
teering your time on a committee or financially con-
tributing to support one of ARA’s important initia-
tives, such as to the ARA Political Action Committee
which ensures we have a place at the table when
important legislative discussions are taking place
that effect our industry. Our Association needs the
support of all professional auto recyclers to secure
our future as the environmental stewards of end-of-
life vehicles.”
Swift is a Past President of the Iowa Auto Recyclers
and has served as a Regional Director for ARA as
well as Past Chair of the ARA Regional Directors
Mike Swift, a third generation professional automo-
tive recycler, inherited a passion for the industry
from his grandfather, O.F. Orrie Swift, and his Dad,
Dale Swift. His grandfather started Swift Auto in the
1940’s, evolving the business from scrap and older
cars into an auto salvage business. Swift’s father,
Dale, took over the business from his Dad in 1975.
At the time, it was located on one acre, surrounded
by woods and alongside one dirt road. Today, it is in
the same location, but has expanded to three acres
and is located two miles from downtown Des
Moines at the corner of a very busy Industrial Park.
Swift spent 20 years as the Manager of Swift’s Auto
before he and his brother, Steve, purchased Trails
End Auto and Truck Parts,
www.trailsendauto.com,in 1999, building the business into a vibrant state of
the art professional automotive recycling facility. In
2014 the two businesses were consolidated into
one location under the name Swift's Trails End Auto
Recycling with a new logo to match the company's
new beginning.
The Trails End team takes great pride in the quality
parts and service they provide to their customers.
Their focus is always on customer satisfaction,
safety, and the quality of parts delivered. To learn
more about the Association, visit ARA’s Home Page
www.a-r-a.orgor call (571) 208-0428.
Mike Swift ARA Vice President
Iowan Honored to Step Up