Iowa Automotive Recyclers Win ARA Award
Affiliate Chapter of the Year 2014
MANASSAS, VA – Iowa Automotive Recy-
clers (IAR), headquartered in Waterloo, Iowa,
was awarded the prestigious “2014 Affiliate
Chapter of the Year” award from the Automo-
tive Recyclers Association (ARA) at the 71st
Annual ARA Convention
& Exposition in Nash-
ville, Tennessee.
The award honors an
affiliated chapter of ARA
that has shown exem-
plary dedication to the
professional automotive
recycling industry
through their service and
work on behalf of their
members and the Asso-
Ed MacDonald, immedi-
ate Past President of
ARA, said in his re-
marks, “Led by their
President, Andy Wilken
of Wilken Auto Salvage
and Executive Director
Sue Schauls, the Iowa
Auto Recyclers are at
the forefront of the in-
dustry. With their I-
CARE Certification Pro-
gram, the Iowa Auto Re-
cyclers truly set a standard of excellence for
automotive recyclers in Iowa and throughout
the auto recycling community."
“The achievements of IAR have served as a
model to others in the automotive recycling
community and IAR leaders have been a
valuable resource to ARA and other state af-
filiate chapters as they have been more than
willing to share
their experience
and help others
fighting to promote
and protect the pro-
fessional automo-
tive recycling indus-
try,” MacDonald
The Iowa Automo-
tive Recyclers As-
sociation was es-
tablished in 1957
and is known
throughout Iowa for
its strong represen-
tation before gov-
ernment agencies,
consumers, and the
larger automotive
industry on behalf
of its membership.
IAR values fellow-
ship within the in-
dustry, the ex-
change of ideas
and promoting
common action.
To learn more about the Iowa Automotive Re-
cyclers Association, please visit: http://
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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Auto Recyclers Vice President BRAD OSBORN,
Waterloo Auto Parts in Waterloo, Iowa