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Recyclers News Press
ARA Honors Jerry Brock of Brock Supply
2014 President’s Award
MANASSAS, VA – Professional Wholesale Automo-
tive Executive and Business Owner Jerry Brock of
Brock Supply Co. was awarded the prestigious
“2014 President’s Award” from the Automotive Recy-
clers Association (ARA) at the 71st Annual ARA
Convention & Exposition in Nashville, Tennessee,
October 22-25. The ARA President’s Award is an
honor bestowed by the Association’s President to an
individual who has shown exemplary dedication to
the industry through their service and work on behalf
of the Association.
Brock, who started in the 1950’s as an automotive
recycler and continued
on to become an auto
parts and supplies
wholesaler, is known
throughout the profes-
sional automotive recy-
cling industry for his
commitment and enthu-
siasm on behalf of auto-
motive recyclers and
Ed MacDonald, now the
Immediate Past-
President of ARA, said
in his remarks about his
choice for the 2014
President’s Award,
“Jerry Brock and Brock
Supply have exhibited at
every ARA Convention
since 1967. His history
of support to ARA, the culture of giving back that is
instilled within his company, and service within his
home state of Arizona speak volumes about the kind
of man Jerry is. His enthusiasm and passion for the
industry is contagious. Jerry is a true asset to the
automotive recycling industry and we are lucky to
have him.”
“I am very grateful and humbled to receive this
award,” said Jerry Brock. “The association has
benefited me as an automotive recycler and an as-
sociate member. The support of ARA as well as the
many friendships we have made have been price-
less. I dedicate this honor to past and present mem-
bers of the ARA.”
Brock Supply Co. is a leading national auto parts
and supplies wholesaler based in Tempe, AZ.
Founded in 1960, Brock Supply serves the automo-
tive recycling, repair, service and body shop indus-
tries with new aftermarket auto parts and supplies.
Brock Supply has a catalog of over 12,000 products
and delivers from three
national distribution cen-
ters located in Arizona,
Texas, and Virginia. More
information can be found
www.BrockSupply.com .Since 1943, the Automo-
tive Recyclers Association
(ARA) represents an in-
dustry dedicated to the
efficient removal and re-
use of “green” automotive
parts, and the proper recy-
cling of inoperable motor
vehicles. ARA represents
the interests of over 4,500
auto recycling facilities in
the United States and 14
other countries around the
With programs such as the Certified Automotive Re-
cycler Program (CAR), Green Recycled Parts, and
other partnerships, ARA members continue to pro-
vide consumers with quality, low-cost alternatives for
vehicle replacement parts, while preserving our envi-
ronment for a “greener” tomorrow.
Congratulations Jerry!