Emergency Action Plan
Procedures to be followed by employees who remain
to operate critical plant operations before they
Procedures to account for all employees after evacu-
Procedures to be followed by employees performing
rescue or medical duties; and
The name or job title of every employee who may be
contacted by employees who need more infor-
mation about the plan or an explanation of their
duties under the plan.
Although not specifically required by OSHA, it may be
helpful to include the following:
A description of the alarm system to be used to notify
employees (including disabled employees) to
evacuate and/or take other actions. The alarms
used for different actions should be distinctive and
might include horn blasts, sirens, or even public
address systems.
The site of an alternative communications center to
be used in the event of a fire or explosion.
A secure on- or offsite location to store originals or
duplicate copies of accounting records, legal docu-
ments, your employees' emergency contact lists, and
other essential records.
Complete Workplace Evaluation
Warning system:
Warning alarms are installed.
Employees are trained to correlate signal patterns
with specific types of emergencies.
Exist Routes:
Exit Route are established.
Exit routes are marked.
Exit signs are over doorways
Exit Route Maps are posted at the facility.
Employees are trained on exit routes.
Fire Prevention Plan:
A Fire Prevention Plan is in place.
Potential fire fuel sources are identified:
Fuel storage area; gasoline or diesel.
Used Oil storage area.
Vehicles storage areas.
Shop floor with spills and/or absorbent ma-
Battery storage area.
Cutting torch use area.
Building systems.
Fire suppression system.
Fire alarms.
Smoke detectors.
Employees are trained on the Fire Prevention
Portable fire extinguishers:
Fire Extinguishers are in place and appropriately
Signage identifies fire extinguisher loca-
Fire extinguishers are checked annually by a pro-
Fire extinguishers are checked monthly by
the Safety Supervisor.
Fire extinguishers are tested and refur-
bished at least every five years.
Annual fire extinguisher employee training is
Employees practice the PASS system during
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