Benefits of Certification to the Customer
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Recyclers News Press
opportunity for enhancement to the
certification program or in creating
an optional “gold standard” to certifi-
cation by implementing one or more
of the quality principles.
For example, the first principle in
quality management is CUSTOMER
FOCUS. In selling used auto parts
this would likely be a set of stand-
ards for parts grading using the ex-
isting industry accepted protocol. To
attain a quality certification all parts
would require grading in the invento-
ry process so that the information is available to the
customer while shopping. Another example would
be to set shipping standards for parts shipped to
customers so that the parts arrive free of damage
and in a package that promotes the professionalism
of the industry.
Customer feedback becomes part of the CONTINU-
OUS IMPROVEMENT CYCLE, another principle, by
identifying customer needs and expectations and
then setting standards to consistently meet them.
Another principle is the PROCESS APPROACH fa-
miliar in other continuous improvement programs
such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sig-
ma and the like that existed while ISO standards
were being set.
The process approach is a very useful tool especial-
ly in creating meaningful measurements of critical
processes such as parts delivery. Delivering a part
to the customer is a process made of many other
sub-processes. Measuring on time parts delivery
may identify a problem but the solution can only be-
come apparent if the sub-processes have been ade-
quately measured to see which smaller process cre-
ated the breakdown.
Probably the biggest benefit of addressing a quality
system as a group through a certification compo-
nent is that the membership can benefit from look-
ing at industry process failures collectively to deter-
mine trends in customer disappointment with used
auto parts as a product.
For instance, an older survey of body shops found
that parts availability was a factor detrimental to the
sale of used auto parts. If that perception is still true
today, then a process approach identifying ways in
which customers can better access parts availability
data would address the issue. Quite possibly the
parts were available but the customer did not know
where to look. That is a different problem than not
having used parts available for the type of repair on
deck. It also reaffirms the need for the auto recy-
cling industry to work together to address problems
or perception of problems as opposed to an individ-
ual shop ramping up their advertising budget.
Clearly defined
environmental standards
help auto
salvage operations minimize any negative affect on
the environment and comply with applicable envi-
ronmental laws and regulations.
Safety standards
help certified auto recyclers put in place sound oc-
cupational health and safety procedures.
can help establish professionalism in the
Certified recyclers communicate to the market that
they have successfully undergone a rigorous as-
sessment and their company meets the standards
of excellence. Proudly posting your certification
achievement may just be the thing that differentiates
your facility from the competitors!