Selling Used Auto Parts
in the Modern Age
September / October 2015
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
Get Used Parts from front cover 6 Sue Speaking 7 Benefit of Certification 8 Emergency Action Plan 12 Data Master of New Business 16 Industry News 20 ARA Update 22Did you know that four out of five con-
sumers use a smartphone to shop? Or
that over half of all web usage is done on
a mobile device?
There’s no denying that shopping using
mobile devices is dramatically on the rise
and that the used auto parts business is
no exception to this trend.
Many recyclers are
adapting their sites to be
more mobile friendly and
some even have their
own mobile apps, and
many choose to partner
Get Used Parts
one way to get their in-
ventory in the hands of
these mobile shoppers.
As more customers use
mobile devices for shop-
ping, many businesses are
implementing their own mo-
bile applications that allow
for targeted marketing and
improved customer interac-
tion. It’s a smart move and,
when executed well, can
have a positive impact on
Get Used Parts
is an
online parts locating service that oper-
ates easily on both desktop and mobile
devices. The search solutions specialize
in helping recyclers get their inventory in
front of the mobile customer base, which
is undoubtedly growing every day. Un-
less you have the luxury of a team of in-
house designers and developers, it will be
easier to outsource app development by
using an existing app that meets your cus-
tomer needs. An app requires extensive
back-end design and development, as well
as testing to ensure it is free of errors.
Shared marketplaces benefit greatly
from using one or more universal app for
sales because these app have a wider
net of exposure and are maintained by
Get Used Parts
developed both iPhone
and Android mobile
apps that can be down-
loaded FOR FREE from
the Apple, Google Play,
Amazon, and Opera
app stores. The app
boasts inventory from
over 1,100 nationwide
recyclers on the Get
Used Parts network
with more joining the
service every day, mak-
ing it easier than ever
to locate and purchase
used parts.
Just go to an app store
and type in ‘Get Used
Parts’ to download the
app. You can also visit
www.getusedparts.com from a mobile
device to experience the mobile site. The
website offers many of the same fea-
tures as the native app. From the app,
your customers can access previous part
searches, get in touch with recyclers with
the click of a button, and in some cases
purchase the parts directly.
Continued on page 6...