Phone/Fax Investigations
OSHA carefully prioritizes all complaints it
receives based on their severity. For lower-priori-
ty hazards, with permission of a complainant,
OSHA may telephone the employer to describe
safety and health concerns, following up with a
fax providing details on alleged safety and health
hazards. The employer must respond in writing
within five working days, identifying any prob-
lems found and noting corrective actions taken or
planned. If the response is adequate and the
complainant satisfied with the response, OSHA
generally will not conduct an on-site inspection.
Onsite Inspections
—Before conducting an inspection,
OSHA compliance officers research the inspection
history of a worksite using various data sources,
review the operations and processes in use and
the standards most likely to apply. They gather
appropriate personal protective equipment and
testing instruments to measure potential hazards.
Presentation of credentials
—The onsite inspection
begins with the presentation of the compliance
officer’s credentials, which include both a photo-
graph and a serial number.
Opening Conference
—The compliance officer will
explain why OSHA selected the workplace for
inspection and describe the scope of the inspection,
walkaround procedures, employee representation
and employee interviews. The employer then
selects a representative to accompany the compli-
Inspection Priorities
OSHA cannot inspect all 7 million workplaces it
covers each year. The agency seeks to focus its
inspection resources on the most hazardous
workplaces in the following order of priority:
1. Imminent danger situations
—hazards that
could cause death or serious physical harm—
receive top priority. Compliance officers will ask
employers to correct these hazards immediately—
or remove endangered employees.
2. Fatalities and catastrophes
—incidents that
involve a death or the hospitalization of three or
more employees—come next. Employers must
report such catastrophes to OSHA within 8 hours.
3. Complaints
—allegations of hazards or violations
also receive a high priority. Employees may
request anonymity when they file complaints.
4. Referrals
of hazard information from other
federal, state or local agencies, individuals,
organizations or the media receive consideration
for inspection.
5. Follow-ups
—checks for abatement of viola-
tions cited during previous inspections—are also
conducted by the agency in certain circumstances.
6. Planned or programmed investigations
inspections aimed at specific high-hazard
industries or individual workplaces that have
experienced high rates of injuries and illnesses—
also receive priority.
OSHA Inspections
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is committed to strong, fair
and effective enforcement of safety and health requirements in the workplace.
OSHA inspectors, called compliance safety and health officers, are experienced,
well-trained industrial hygienists and safety professionals whose goal is to assure
compliance with OSHA requirements and help employers and workers reduce
on-the-job hazards and prevent injuries, illnesses and deaths in the workplace.
Normally, OSHA conducts inspections without advance notice. Employers have
the right to require compliance officers to obtain an inspection warrant before
entering the worksite.