IAR Recyclers Newspress July / August 2014 - page 8

Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Tracy
Hurst, Tom Quandt, Mike Swift, Brad Osborn, Eric
Piper, Mike Waterbury, Jodi Kunde, Tom Snyder, Joel
McCaw, Brent Nugent, Pat Rooff, Clyde Lems, Jordan
Barkow, Jim Piazza and Jeff Smid.
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at
5:23 p.m.
New Business:
2015 Summer Outing – Sue has
checked into Okoboji but rooms, etc. weren’t available
for the dates wanted so the next option is Prairie
Meadows in the Des Moines area. The dates available
for their venue are May 29-30, 2015. Mike S. made a
motion to hold the 2015 Summer Outing at Prairie
Meadows and get the rooms booked; Pat seconded
the motion; motion carried.
Sue expressed everyone’s appreciation to Tom Quant
for the awesome 2014 Summer Outing.
PAC/Scholarship Auction – Jodi reported that
$18,581.00 was raised at the auction at the Summer
Outing. She also said the scholarship checks will go
out in August. It was decided to send the check to the
student made out to the schools of the scholarship re-
Hamari Update – Sue said there is no new information
or report from the DOT at this time. A request was sent
to DOT for an update.
2233 Maury Street Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
July 15, 2014 5:15 pm
Recyclers News Press
Page 8
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