IAR Recyclers Newspress July / August 2014 - page 12

Disappointing Parts Delivery
Continued from front cover…
“The only person more important [than the counter
guy at the parts store] to a mechanic's work would be
the customer.”
That is profound information that
should not be coming as a surprise to a used automo-
tive parts supplier. “A really good parts man will move
heaven and earth to find the part his customer wants,
even if that part is a small one, because some of the
most important parts we need on the wrench side of
the counter are also some of the most seemingly in-
significant ones.”
The blogger felt that “when I spend thousands of dol-
lars a month at a parts store, the last thing I want to
hear my parts guy say is ‘I can't get one’."
This is an
opportunity to make a referral, perhaps within your
association or network, to meet the customer’s needs
without making them do the leg work. “The quality of
our parts people, our parts delivery, and our parts are
all of paramount importance”
to making the best re-
As the used auto part supplier, it’s your job as to
make sure customers do not anticipate disappointing
parts delivery for any of these reasons.
Page 12
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