IAR Recyclers Newspress July / August 2014 - page 4

Hello Iowa Auto Recyclers,
My first order of business as your new President is to
say thank you to all of you for trusting me with this
great job and opportunity. Like most Iowa Auto Recy-
clers, we are a multi-generational business. I’m fourth
generation at Wilken and Sons Auto Salvage and the
first to have the opportunity to carry the torch of Presi-
dent of the Iowa Auto Recyclers. So once again I
thank you.
In my time as President, I would like to open up the
communication lines with all of the auto recyclers in
Iowa and the surrounding area. We have a great or-
ganization going strong now. However, about only
thirty percent are really involved. Just imagine how
strong of an organization we would have in Iowa if
ninety or even one-hundred percent were involved!
We as a group would be a strong voice to reckon with
on a national level.
There are a multitude of ways to get involved either by
simply donating to our PAC Fund or attending our
summer outing next year. On a national level, you can
attend the Auto Recyclers Association show in Nash-
ville, Tennessee on October 22-25, 2014. And if you
have never been to our annual Hill Day in Des Moines,
I strongly recommend it, not only on a business level
but on a personal level as well. It’s quite impressive to
see how our government is run and the hurdles these
people, just like us, have to endure on a daily basis.
Don’t be timid about contacting me directly by phone,
319-215-0146 or email
Andy wilken
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
President’s Pitch
Recyclers News Press
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