Recyclers News Press
Page 5
From the Desk of the Executive Director
Sue Speaking
The dog days of summer were a bit mild so far this
year, thankfully. It also made for a nice wet summer
so many of us were able to get the dreaded storm wa-
ter sample that was missed in the drought last year.
With the influx of data I was also able to run the num-
bers on storm water collected since 2011 and com-
pare it to the baseline study conducted in 2004. See
page 16 for the
JULY 10, 2014
The Summer Outing is behind us once again and
what a show it was! I just can’t help but smile at that
many wonderful things we accomplish each year
through our auction donations and purchases for
funding the Scholarship program and the PAC fund as
well as the special events we host to fund Charitable
Chariots. The photos including in this edition certainly
remind us of the training, network and fun we had
again this year. if you have not been attending the
Summer Outings put it in your calendar for next year
in Des Moines on June 29-30, 2015 at Prairie Mead-
ows Casino & Conference Center.
Of course I can not mention the fabulous event with-
out saying
THANK YOU Tom & Lisa Quandt, family
and crew at QUANDT AUTO SALVAGE in Carroll.
What a lovely BBQ, band and the auctioneers were
so fabulous we appreciate so much all the hard work
of the host facility. And thank you as well as to the
wonderful speakers we hosted, Theresa Colbert from and the awesome DJ Harrington, extra-
ordinaire from Phone Logic.! Next year we will be
ramping up the speaker agenda too. So please send
any suggestions or desire to volunteer my way!
For now we are working diligently on our legislative
agenda in preparation for the next Iowa Legislative
Session. Watch for the announcement of the dates for
Hill Day 2015 too. I’ll be out and about doing I-CARE
audits and teaching Used Car Dealer classes, so I
hope to see all of you very soon!
Thanks for listening
Sue Schauls
Sue Schauls, Executive Director