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Recyclers News Press
Mr. Swift Goes to Washington
VIN Data for Parts is within Reach
ARA President and Iowa’s native son, Mike Swift stormed the nation’s capital
in April with a brigade of fellow auto recyclers to discuss the merits of provid-
ing all parts data to the automotive recycling industry.
Members of both the House and Senate were asked to meet with members
of the Automotive Recyclers Association or ARA, an international trade asso-
ciation for the automotive used parts recycling industry.
Mike and Tracy Swift and Sue Schauls represented Iowa in the endeavor to
educate the congressional delegation on the merits of allowing access to da-
ta that is already used in the industry by repairers, the insurance industry,
and new car dealerships.
ARA had previously introduced a bill that asked for all VIN data for vehicle
parts matching as the best option to be proactive in protecting consumers
from unknowingly receiving parts that had been on recall for safety reasons
and to increase the usage of used parts for the known environmental and
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