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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Automotive Recyclers Summer Outing
June 3-4, 2016
Historic Park Inn - Mason City, Iowa
Trade Show - Friday, June 3, 2016 - 6:30-9:00 pm
Speaker Agenda - SATURDAY, June 4, 2016 - Historic Park Inn
Key Note Address
By Chad Counts of Counts Consulting.
Chad Counts
will headline this training intensive event for Iowa Automotive Recyclers and guests.
Shotgun and Rifle – A Guide to Sales Management—
While a shotgun may give you a greater chance to
target, it may not have enough force to generate the results you want. A rifle can be much more tedi-
ous and difficult. It takes more focus on a smaller target but yields a much greater result. There are many
things to focus on in Sales but focusing on many thing yields few results.
Surviving in Tough Times—
Survivalists are consumed with preparation for disaster. Understand-
ing that circumstances are often out of your control, you focus intently on what is in your control to stave off
disaster. We will identify the abilities and resources every business must have to just that!
Everything You didn’t know to ask about Converters!
By Dan Miller
of Legends Smelting
Dan Miller
will unravel the mysteries of catalytic converter buying and selling. The market has been
unpredictable or has it? A favorite and always
on target with timely and insightful market information
intensive training sessions
will continue all day with
Car-Part.com, CheckMate
deck to provide multiple hands-on workshops, training and program demonstrations enhanced by product
experts who know their software, know the market, know the parts buyer preferences and can lead the
training sessions to new heights with insider techniques and tidbits for
Award Luncheon & Trade Show
Lloyd Van Horn - Founders Award
Saturday 11:30 – 1:00 pm
Car-Part World Tour
is coming to Mason City in conjunction with the
Summer Outing
Car-Part.comwill conduct multiply training session at the event throughout the day in various
rooms. Visit
products.car-part.com/worldtour/ia to pre-register & to receive a free t-shirt!
Hollander Training
sessions will fill the afternoon to double the educational opportunities
for owners, managers, sales staff and inventory specialist!
2:00 - 5:00 Yard Tours at Van Horn Auto Parts & BEHR Iron & Metal
6:00 – Dinner and yard tour at Wilken Auto Salvage – Kensett, Iowa
6:30 – Scholarship/PAC Live Auction followed by Band and Dance
Conference Venue:
Historic Park Inn – 15 W State Street - Mason City, Iowa
www.IowaAutoRecyclers.com for registration information