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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
May 10, 2016—Noon to 4:00 pm
Cherry Creek Grill in Waterloo
Ace Auto Recyclers
Iowa City, IA
www.AceAutoRecyclers.comAction Auto Parts
Marshalltown, IA
www.action-auto-parts.comAikey Auto Salvage
Cedar Falls, IA
www.AikeyAutoSalvage.comAirline Auto Parts
Waterloo, IA
www.airlineautopartsinc.comAWE Auto Service
Traer, IA
www.awesalvage.comB & B Salvage
Sioux Center, IA
www.BandBSalvage.netBurlington Recycling & Auto Parts
Burlington, IA
burlingtonrecyclingandautoparts.comCharlie Brown Auto, Ltd.
Creston, IA
www.CBAutoLtd.comChase Auto Parts Company, Inc
Waterloo, IA
www.sunline-chase.comDon's Auto & Truck Salvage
Des Moines, IA
www.DonsAutoTruck.comGrab & Go Auto Salvage, LLC
Spencer, IA
www.grabandgosalvage.comMembers present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Brad Osborn, Tom
Quandt, Pat Rooff, Jordan Barkow, Mike Davidson, Joel McCaw and
Jeff Smid.
Andy called the meeting to order at 1:31 pm. The Anti-Trust statement
was acknowledged.
IAR Budget Summary – Sue explained the annual budget planning
and finances of the association. Joel, Treasurer, and Sue pre-plan the
annual expenses based on the projected income from dues and ad-
vertising. Most invoices are paid up at this point with two members
dropping this year due to non-payment of dues. Summer outing invoic-
es are just being sent and registration will commence soon.
The board discussed the issue of pre-approval for expenses submit-
ted. Mike S. has requested reimbursement of $100 toward his expens-
es to attend the IIADA convention. After some discussion, there was a
motion by Pat to not approve the $100 request with a second by Jor-
dan; motion carried.
IAR Tax Status – Sue said the tax-exempt status of the Iowa Auto Re-
cyclers was in question by the Internal Revenue Service. Joel said the
IRS had revoked the nonprofit status due to non-filing of tax returns for
three consecutive years. We have since been re-instated as a non-
profit after the confusion was addressed. Our Tax Attorney, Bill Town-
send, did complete those tax returns (2012, 2013 and 2014) but the
IRS said they did not have record of receiving them. Both Joel and Bill
will continue to fight this ruling as it came to light that the IRS has had
issues with nonprofits paper filings and other nonprofits have the same
problem. The response letter was sent in a timely manner and we are
expecting the matter to be resolved.
Raffle Fundraiser
/Gambling License/Sales Tax Permit – IAR has
received a gambling permit and a sales tax permit to sell raffle tickets.
The GUN RAFFLE fundraiser will run from May through September at
which time the winning raffle ticket will receive a $2150 gift certificate
a Browning
Over Under Shot-
gun valued at $2150
from Scheels sport-
ing goods store.
Tickets will be sold
for $5 each or 6 for
$25. All members
will able to buy and
sell tickets. Tickets
may be sold to non-
members, members