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Recyclers News Press
Van Horn Truckload of History
Lloyd Van Horn
Sanborn Auto, Inc.
Sanborn, IA
Sandhill Auto Salvage
Tama, IA
www.sandhillautosalvage.comSmith Auto Parts & Sales, Inc.
Fairfield, IA
www.SmithAutoParts.comSnyder's Auto Body
Clarinda, IA
www.snyders-autobody.comSpilman Auto Parts, Inc
Bloomfield, IA
www.SpilmanAuto.comSun Line Inc.
Cedar Rapids, IA
www.sunline-chase.comSunset Beach Auto Salvage
Des Moines, IA
www.SunsetBeachAutoParts.comSwift's Trails End Auto Recycling
Des Moines, IA
www.TrailsEndAuto.comTourniers Recycling Inc
Independence, IA
www.tourniersrecycling.comVan Gorp Used Cars, Inc.
Oskaloosa, IA
www.VanGorpIA.comVan Horn Auto Parts. Inc.
Mason City, IA
www.VanHornAutoParts.com1914 REO Model J (two ton). REO stands for Ransom E. Olds, the only
man in automotive history to have two companies named for him, and both
companies surviving into modern times REO Motor Co. and Olds Motor
The Museum was opened after the truck collection had grown to a point
that I had trucks stored in buildings all over the place. The museum started
out in a building that had been used for a turkey processing plant, and
since its opening two more large buildings have been added.
Once the Museum was up and running we decided to build a 1930 store-
front street, down through the main museum building. This includes several
old general stores, a firehouse, Studebaker garage, gas stations, old parts
store, and even an old warehouse complete with loading dock where trucks
are loading. Old trucks are parked out in front of all these stores. We have
also added old advertising signs, garage tools and equipment, old gas
pumps, early toys, and even early household items to stock the general
store. The trucks are almost all restored to their original condition and
equipped with a variety of different types of bodies.
Collectors Keep The Remnants Of Chicago's Trucking Industry Alive
A Mason City report, David Young received a rare gift as Lloyd Van Horn
wandered through the old quonset hut that once was a turkey farm here
and pointed to his pride and joy--a gleaming Little Giant. Elsewhere in the
hut and in some adjacent barns are a Master, Old Reliable, All-American
Continued on Page 10...
This 1910 Avery truck is all original. This combination truck-tractor had a pulley on
front of engine to run belt for a threshing machine. Built mostly for agricultural use.