IAR Recyclers Newspress May/ June 2014 - page 8

Members present: Tracy Hurst, Sue Schauls, Tom
Quandt, Mike Swift, Brad Osborn, Eric L. Piper, Andy
Wilken, Mike Waterbury, Jodi Kunde, Tom Snyder,
Joel McCaw, Brent Nugent, Pat Rooff, Mike Davidson
and Jeff Smid.
President Tracy Hurst called the meeting to order at
5:22 p.m. Tracy asked for approval on the prior meet-
ing minutes. Mike S. made a motion to accept the min-
utes as written with a 2
from Brent; motion carried.
President Tracy Hurst tendered her resignation as of
June 14, 2014. Brent made a motion for the Board to
accept Tracy’s resignation with a 2
from Mike S.; mo-
tion carried. The board expressed their appreciation to
Tracy for this past year of service. Andy said he would
be willing to move into the President’s position.
After discussion about the by-laws and how to handle
vacancies, it was decided to follow the election proc-
ess as we normally do in June which gives the Board
more time to find a Vice President. Sue and Tracy will
get together and review and update the by-laws by the
end of May so they can be presented at the Outing.
Technology Issues – Sue has been working with Tait
Hines, an IT specialist, to come up with a solution to
help recyclers solve problems with their computers.
Tait will be at the Summer Outing and Sue is hoping to
set up a date in July for a roundtable discussion with
him. Let Sue know if you would like Tait to work with
you and your business before then.
2233 Maury Street Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
May 13, 2014—5:15 pm
Recyclers News Press
Page 8
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