IAR Recyclers Newspress May/ June 2014 - page 11

Page 11
Recyclers News Press
Membership Renewals/Who’s Who – Sue reported on
the Direct members and Associate members who
have not renewed yet. She will continue to request
their renewals. Sue said the Who’s Who is nearly
completed and ready to go to the printers and will be
ready for the Summer Outing.
The Summer Outing Update – The Charitable Chari-
ots car give-away is set for 5:00 pm at Quandt’s the
Saturday of the Outing with media coverage for the
event. Pat has donated all the parts needed for the
cars. The Bootleggers Bus to Templeton Rye, the 20
vendor booths, and most of the sponsors are all set to
go. The newsletter will be out later this week so eve-
ryone will receive that with all the Summer Outing in-
Sue is working on the 2015 Summer Outing at this
time. She has checked on venues in the Okoboji area
and will also be looking at Prairie Meadows with the
hopes to have the venue/dates finalized soon.
Old Business
: No old business at this time.
Other Business
There was some discussion about providing a VIN
with every part sold.
Brent made a motion to adjourn with a 2
from Mike
W. The meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jeff Smid
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
May 13, 2014—5:15 pm
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