IAR Recyclers Newspress May/ June 2014 - page 4

Hello Recyclers,
Being an automotive recycler is such a rich heritage
that it is a shame only those inside the industry know it!
I’ve been privileged to be a part of that legacy all of my
life and I’ve taken great pride in being the President of
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
this past year.
Being the original recyclers and setting the standard
for “sustainability” before Earth Day even began or be-
fore that word had any meaning is a proud history for
our industry. The fact that government agencies and
environmentalist are so concerned about the 6-14% of
the non-recycled parts of any given vehicle and that
we save mere milligrams of mercury is a testament to
our culture to “always do the right thing” no matter how
difficult it may be. With that, one of the most painful
decision my family and I had to make this week was to
close Hurst Salvage after a lifetime of pleasure and
pain in all things “junkyard.” And as you may have
guessed, in doing the right thing, I also offer my resig-
nation to the members of IAR. What I take away from
the experience is invaluable and I hope that I added
something back too.
Thanks Iowa Auto Recyclers.
Wish us luck as we move to the next phase in our fam-
ily history!
Tracy Hurst
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
President’s Pitch
Recyclers News Press
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