IAR Recyclers Newspress May/ June 2014 - page 5

Recyclers News Press
Page 5
From the Desk of the Executive Director
Sue Speaking
Are You Ready? Yes, it is that time of year again. The
Iowa Auto Recyclers SUMMER OUTING is happening
in just a few weeks. We have pulled out all the stops
and assembled the finest speaker, exhibitors and
events again this year. And Yes, that is what bragging
sounds like! I can’t help it, by time we get done with
all the planning, worrying and making sure ever detail
is handled it is so very hard to wait the month until the
big day arrives! I hope you will be there to share in the
Before it all gets rolling I want to
THANK Lisa & Tom
Quandt for hosting the shin dig!
Without the host
the show wouldn't be the same. The Yard Tour and
the BBQ Auction is always the perfect end to a week-
end of training and networking.
We’re glad to welcome back so many associate mem-
bers as sponsors and exhibitors and as always we
welcome the “newbies” too.
This year we are blessed with a nationally renowned
guest speaker and some new products too. The goal
of the conference is to bring in new ideas, discuss
changes that can be made to invigorate sales during
this slump that the industry is in and to talk to other
business owners about the trial and troubles of being
an automotive recycler in this era. And I think we’ll
have some fun too!
I always make a point o bring in new members to
meet our sponsors and exhibitors AND new exhibitors
to meet our members. I think that is what make our
show a success. So be on the lookout for old friends
and first time attendees. Make them feel welcome and
tell then to STEP TIGHT UP and have a great show!
Thanks for listening
Sue Schauls
Sue Schauls, Executive Director
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