Mike Swift Becomes President
of the Automotive Recyclers Association
November / December 2015
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
Mike Swift ARA President from front cover 10 Sue Speaking 8 Haz Comm New Labels 11 Scholarship Program 15 Next Gen Delivery Postal Trucks 16 Industry News 20 ARA Update 22Professional Automotive Recycler Mike
Swift of Swift's Trails End Auto Recy-
cling, in Des Moines, Iowa, gave his in-
augural speech as the President of the
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)
at the 72nd Annual ARA Convention &
Exposition held October 7-10 in Char-
lotte, North Carolina.
His tenure on the Executive Committee
of the Association, where he has served
as Secretary, Second Vice President,
and First Vice President, continues in a
leading role to help shape and guide the
Association’s initiatives and directives.
"I am honored to take the reigns as Pres-
ident of ARA and to continue to play a
role in preserving and promoting the
work of professional automotive recy-
clers,” said Swift in his acceptance
speech. Swift, a longstanding ARA and
Certified Automotive Recycler (CAR)
member, is extremely active in the indus-
try as a cutting-edge automotive recycler
and leader in his community.
Continued on page 10...
Photo courtesy of ARA