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Recyclers News Press
Next Generation Delivery Vehicle for Postal Service
What Happens to the Old Fleet?
USPS awards LLV maker $257 million contract for
Walk In Body Delivery Trucks. In July 2015, USPS
has awarded long-time supplier a contract for over
3,000 Walk In Body Intermediate Delivery Trucks.
USPS selected Morgan Olson LLC, formerly Grum-
man Olson, located in Sturgis, Michigan to provide the
vehicles at a cost of $256,892,144.00.
More than a dozen companies, including many au-
tomakers, were interested in building the successor
for what the Postal Service uses to transport letters to
your mailbox. According to The Wall Street Journal,
15 firms made it to the first round of the U.S. Postal
Service’s bidding process to win a contract worth as
much as $5 billion and the purchase of 180,000 vehi-
cles to replace the outdated Grumman LLVs that are
rooted in 30-year-old General Motors truck technolo-
gy. “Next Generation Delivery Vehicle” (NGDV) pro-
ject represents the largest ever fleet replacement or-
der in history. NGDV have an expected price of
$25,000 to $35,000 per vehicle.
The Grumman LLV was specifically designed for the
Postal Service with Grumman winning the contract for
production. The main design points of the vehicle in