DOT Shuts Down Two Des Moines Car Lots
Local News
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Recyclers News Press
The Iowa Department of Transportation shut down
two used car lots on the east side of Des Moines after
an investigation uncovered instances of fraud and
theft. Paul Moyer, owner of Extreme Auto Plaza, has
been charged with five counts of fraud and one count
of theft. The DOT issued the revocation Wednesday,
halting sales at Extreme Auto's two locations, 2214 E.
14th St. and 1453 E. 14th St.
Moyer, 48, is accused of not issuing salvage titles
with cars he sold, as required by state law. Moyer told
the Register on Thursday that he had sold refurbished
vehicles with regular titles, but told the buyers the
cars had been rebuilt after being totaled. He said he
asked customers to sign a paper saying they were
aware the vehicle they were buying was salvaged.
Paul Steier, director of the DOT's Bureau of Investiga-
tion and Identity Protection, said Moyer should have
issued salvage titles so that subsequent owners
would know the history of the vehicles. Signing a sep-
arate paper does not comply with state law, he said.
"Oversight on a couple is one thing, but clearly this
was intentionally being done," Steier said. Moyer also
is accused of overcharging 123 customers for vehicle
registration and title fees totaling more than $11,000.
The car dealer said he is negotiating a plea deal with
the Polk County Attorney's office. He is scheduled to
appear in court later this month. Moyer, who has op-
erated the dealership at 2214 E. 14th St. for 20 years,
said about 80 percent of the 300 to 400 cars he sells
each year are salvage vehicles. The average price for
a car sold at his lots is $7,000 to $8,000.
Steier said the DOT began investigating the business
a year ago after a customer complained that a vehicle
purchased at Extreme Auto Plaza did not have a cor-
rect title. The DOT executed a search warrant at the
businesses last fall. Moyers said if he can't reopen his
business for a year, "I will be stuck moving out of
state" where he would work for someone else or start
his own business.
http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/money/ business/2015/10/08/moyer-des-moines-dealership-cars- salvage/73612660/