Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Scholarship Program
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Recyclers News Press
Each year the Iowa Automotive Recyclers award
scholarships IAR Direct member's children and the
children of their employees, to assist with the cost of
a post secondary education.
Students may apply dur-
ing any year they attend
an accredited institution.
During this recession,
colleges have cut back on
scholarships, grants and
other forms of financial aid available to students due
to funding cuts to education. That’s why these
scholarships are more important than ever.
www.iowaautomotiverecyclers.com/Scholarship.htmlRemember to check out the Automotive Recyclers
Association (ARA) Scholarship program too. Chil-
dren of employees of ARA members are eligible to
apply. Visit
www.a-r-a.org/for more information.
IAR Scholarship Fund
The Iowa Automotive Recyclers scholarship fund
was established in 2007 for the children and employ-
ees of the Iowa Automotive Recycler Association
members as a way to help offset the cost of their
continuing education.
The scholarship is open to a child or grandchild of an
owner or employee of IAR Direct Member recycling
facility. Any son, daugh-
ter, grandchild, son-in-law
or daughter-in-law may
apply as well as the own-
er, employee or spouses
of a member in good
standing. An employee of
the IAR member must
have been employed at
the yard for at least the
past one year for the em-
ployee or their relatives to
be eligible.
The funds for the scholarships are generated
through the IAR Summer Outing Auction. We are
thankful for all the support that we have received
from our members in making it possible to provide
scholarships to these
deserving individuals.
Many fun and unique
items have been gen-
erously donated.
The auction has not
only provided financial support to the scholarship
program but it has been known to create some an-
tics at the event as well. The head shaving for bid at
Quandt’s event raised lots of money and I’m certain
both Jeremy and Bart remembered it well during the
many months it took to grow out their hair! Thanks
guys, way to step up!
I also seem to recall a t-shirt modeling incident at
Nugent’s event the year before that definitely raised
some eyebrows and the bids for the t-shirts as well
as the “presentation.” We won’t name names in print
but who knew the sales staff was so “Magic Mike”
The pranks go way back as auction surprises too. I
recall someone having to buy back his distributor
cap at one meeting in Okoboji. And let’s not forget
Brent’s “Richard” costume he donned in Bloomfield.
Some guys… I can’t wait to see what ensues in
Kensett, Iowa this summer!
$5,000 was awarded in scholarships for the fall term.
Any questions regarding
the scholarships and/or
applications should be
directed to:
Scholarship Committee
Attn: Jodi Kunde
55 West 32nd Street
Dubuque, IA 52001
Email Jodi at
iarscholarship@gmail.com“The school is the last expenditure upon which
America should be willing to economize.”
~Franklin D. Rooseve