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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
September 22, 2015
Via teleconference
of proof for auto recyclers as to the identity of the
party selling the vehicle without title therefore by affi-
davit of ownership. An affidavit will be able to be
used to buy a vehicle without a title as long as the
vehicle is 12 years and older, has a fair market value
of $1,000 or less and the seller swears on an affida-
vit that they have the right to sell the vehicle as the
rightful owner. Illegally asserting ownership would be
Reporting to the Iowa NMVTIS system will “kill” the
title for any vehicle reported as crushed thus elimi-
nate the need for junking certificates once the sys-
tem goes live. The system will work with the national
NMVTIS reporting processes so that duplicate re-
porting will not be required. Mike S. noted that begin-
ning in January, all recycler license applications and
renewals will require an NMVTIS number from the
recycler in order for the license to be issued.
There was additional discussion about the feedback
from the financial consultant per the last meeting
which will be tabled until after the New Year for tax
purposes. The upcoming ARA convention in Char-
lotte, NC, October 8-10, 2015, was discussed and
raffle tickets are being sold for educational scholar-
ships from ARA. The next meeting, subject to DOT
availability, is planned to be held in Ankeny.
Meeting Schedule
October 7-10 2015 – ARA Convention in Charlotte
October-November – Face-to-face TBD - DOT Demo and work on legislative agenda for 2016
December 15, 2015 – TBD teleconference call or face-to-face if needed
The meeting was adjourned by Andy at 6:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jeff Smid
Jeff Smid, Secretary