Letter of Support to Mike Swift
I’m so proud of Mike Swift for becoming President of
the Auto Recyclers Association or “ARA” and I prom-
ise my support in the next year. My goal is for my sup-
port to look much like it has in the last eight years, for
that I offer this letter of support. By which I mean I will
repeatedly offer up one letter in response to the many
decisions, obstacles and challenges ahead:
from the Midwest, Mike will be able to appreciate the
nuances of the response without explanation but for
the rest of you, here goes.
Surprised O
: /Ō/ Short abrupt long-sound O. Often
meaning OK when it is really not OK.
Question O:
/Ō?/ Long drawn out long-sound O
with a questioning inflection at the end. Meaning are
you sure? Because I doubt it.
Understanding O:
/Ō/ or /Ŏ/ Medium-length Long-
sound O or Short-sound O. Can be utter in two ways:
First, a medium-length long-sound O that ends with
your lips mimicking a kissing fish, which actually signi-
OK I’ll do as I’m
. Second, a medi-
um-length short-
sound O that sounds
like Ah that spikes up
at the end and means
“tell me more” in a
contemplative way.
Disagreeing O:
Medium-length Long-
sound O that sounds
more like a grunt than
a vowel. Uttered from the back of the throat in disa-
greement and deepens in tone at the end.
Disappointing O:
/Ō/ Short abrupt long-sound O.
Sounds like a nasal Ew. Means that’s too bad. Paired
with a head nod will signify defeat or acceptance.
Shocking O:
/Ō/ Short abrupt long-sound O. Pro-
nounced O-wa often in loud voice with furrowed brow.
Means I’m shocked. Often paired with slang term for
fecal matter.
Exuberant O:
/Ō/ Short abrupt long-sound O. Just
O. As in “Oh, I get it” with a chin raise or “Oh, I have
an idea” if paired with jazz hands.
Oh what a year it will be!
Thanks for listening,
Sue Schauls
Sue Schauls, Executive Director
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