Recyclers News Press
Page 9
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
March 25, 2015 3:00 pm
Embassy Suites Des Moines
Members present: Andy Wilken, Brad Osborn, Eric L.
Piper, Mike Davidson, Eric C. Piper, Jordan Barkow,
Mike Swift, Sue Schauls, and Members Kurt Nelson
and Justin Foote from Wilken’s Auto Salvage and Jer-
ry and Janet Luloff from West Edge Auto Salvage in
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at
3:00 p.m.
The roundtable and Board meeting held at the annual
Hill Day event each year generates some of the best
ideas and vision for what the Iowa Auto Recyclers as-
sociation wants to accomplish that I’m going to list it
as one of the many successes we’ve realized since
starting Hill Day four years ago.
Of course top on that list is the fact that we had a bill
drafted to implement NMVTIS reporting and to take
derelict vehicles witho0ut title in Iowa, lobbied like cra-
zy, built a coalition and provided pertinent information
to the Senate and House sub-committees and eventu-
ally got it passed on both floors of the legislative
chambers and we are now awaiting the signature of
the Governor to make it a law.
A committee was recently formed to develop some
marketing materials for the Iowa Auto Recyclers asso-
ciation members to use to promote the use of used
Jordan Barkow had drafted some wording for a bro-
chure and Sue formatted it into a tri-fold that could be
used by members to pass out to clients that come in
to the shop to promote auto recycling. The draft was
reviewed and comments noted. An update will be re-
viewed at next meeting.
Several Board members became the administrator of
the Facebook page for Iowa Auto Recycles and will
begin to make frequent posts in hopes for raising the
profile of auto recycling and IAR members.
With the marketing efforts underway it was discussed
that a new IAR logo should be designed possibly us-
ing a similar image to the Green Recycled Parts logo
to build on those efforts to promote auto recycling and
used auto parts.
Another idea was to use the HARMARI system to
send messages to Craigslist advertisers of used parts
and folks that buy junk cars to enlighten them to the
fact that if you advertise as a recyclers then you must,
in fact, be a licensed recyclers per the Scrapper Defi-
nition law that was passed in the 2014 legislative ses-
sion and if you are a licensed recycler or used car
dealer you must identify yourself as one in the adver-
tisement. Brad Osborn move to spend $350 with
HARMARI to that end, Jordan Barkow seconded the
motion, motion carried.
The remainder of the meeting and the subsequent
PAC reception spurred more good discussion on sell-
ing more used parts and finding means to acquire sal-
vage more economically. It was a good meeting and
we hope more members will join in the discussion in
the future.
Respectfully submitted BY Sue for
Jeff Smid
Jeff Smid, Secretary