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Recyclers News Press
Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Mike
Swift, Brad Osborn, Eric L. Piper, Mike Davidson, Eric
C. Piper, Brent Nugent, Jordan Barkow, Mike Water-
bury, Joel McCaw, David Hesmer, Jodi Kunde, Clyde
Lems, Pat Rooff and Jeff Smid.
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at
5:20 p.m.
New Business:
Legislative Updates – Sue recapped a meeting that
was held recently that included Jim Piazza, IAR Lob-
byist, Senator Bowman, the DOT, IIADA, Mike Swift
and Sue. Jim laid out a draft of a bill for the affidavit
and NMVTIS proposals. Those in the meeting were
very supportive of our ideas. Now Jim needs to get
the bill to a drafter which has to be done through one
of the legislators. At the end of the meeting, Senator
Bowman said he is ready to assign the draft to a sub-
committee. Our goal is to get an Iowa NMVTIS Law
that will help DOT with enforcement. Rep. Kaufman
would like to see a bill which combines both the affi-
davit proposal as well as the NMVTIS. The board dis-
cussed what we would like to see the new law apply
to vehicles older than 10, 12 or 15 years but it is im-
portant to for Jim to have some give and take during
this process.
Judy, with the IIADA, has written their list of language
changes, etc. so with her permission, Mike S. will
email that to the board members to review and see
what we’d like to do as far as a joint proposal. Per
Jim, the timing is very good for all of this because Hill
Day is so close and gives everyone a chance to talk
to their legislators since the bill draft should come out
by then.
As far as the Rebuilder Form, the DOT wants to base
the registration fees on 50% of the original vehicle
MSRP as a tax basis for rebuilt salvage. Some dis-
cussion ensued as far as receipts, other types of car
sales/registrations and what should be subject to
sales tax. DOT has expressed intention to base all
registration fees on MSRP. We will ask that our group
not be pushed into this practice until all vehicles are
subject to the same type of tax basis determination.
Sue reported that Kevin Fisk from LKQ called and
said Senator Brad Zaun (Keystone is in his Iowa dis-
trict) has been in contact with him about the aftermar-
ket parts bill. It was decided to plan a conference call
very soon with Kevin to discuss the effect of this bill.
LKQ will also sponsor the PAC reception at Hill Day.
Auto Data Direct will sponsor the legislative breakfast
at the capitol.
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
February 3, 2015 5:15 pm