Recyclers News Press
Page 14
Vendor Booth & Sponsor
May 29-30, 2015
Des Moines Iowa area
Prairie Meadows Conference Center
1 Prairie Meadows Drive - Altoona, IA 50009
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________
Additional attendee Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
PLEASE send a half page company profile to run in advertising & the newsletter by April 20th.
Trade Show Booth ................................................................. $425
Event Sponsorship................................................................ $500
Friday Appreciation dinner for Vendors – Sponsored by Iowa Auto Recyclers
Saturday Awards Banquet – Sponsorships available
Total Enclosed
Booth is 10x10 with one draped 8’ table with two chairs with pipe & drape backdrop.
Electricity & WiFi is included. Meals are included with Booth fee or Sponsorship.
Make registration check payable & send to:
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
2214 Regal Avenue
Waterloo, Iowa 50702