Continued from the front page…
Many automotive recycling facility host special
events open to the public to invite folks to drop off
tires, used oil or old parts as one way of getting them
in the door.
Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA)
and Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) conduct the an-
nual OARA Tire Take Back event to raise money for
The Sunshine Foundation of Canada. To date, the
campaign has raised over $940,000 for The Sun-
shine Foundation of Canada, helping to fulfill dreams
for Sunshine Kids through the Individual Dreams and
DreamLift programs. Over 60 OARA member auto
recyclers have signed on to help collect tires during
the 2016 event.
From May 24 to June 4, Ontario residents can drop
off unlimited used tires for free at participating auto
recyclers during business hours across the province.
Every single tire dropped off generates a donation to
The Sunshine Foundation.
Other recyclers also open their doors to household
hazardous waste generators that have used oil, anti-
freeze, tires and batteries to discard. The drop off
events set the stage for good public relations and
consumer education. Some of the facilities pledge a
portion of the proceeds from the drop off of tire or
batteries to local charities that further the Earth Day
goals of conservation and preservations.
May other salvage facilities honor Earth Day by im-
plementing “green” business practices. Some as
simple as buying Energy Star appliances and office
equipment when replacements are necessary. En-
ergy Star is an EPA program billed as the “simple
choice for energy efficiency.” For more information
www.energystar.gov .Another EPA program called Water Sense just
makes, well, sense! The program highlights way that
water reduction can help protect the Earth and save
money too. For more information see
www3.epa.gov/watersense .This could be a good
opportunity for automotive salvage facilities that has
not previously been considered given the renewed
interest in parts washing particularly power washing
large parts. Self-contained system not only save
money on soap and water but also reduce regulatory
burdens and in some cases prevent illegal discharge
that is a storm water violation!
Whatever path you take, THANKS for celebrating
Earth Day every day auto recyclers!
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Recyclers News Press