March / April 2016
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
Every Day is Earth Day from front cover 15 Fuel Storage 10 Shop Rags 11 Summer Outing Registration 12 Recovery of New Refrigerant R1234yf 16 ARA Update 20What is an annual event for many
consumers is a way of life for the
“Original Recycler” the automotive
recyclers. Everyday really is Earth
Day in this industry.
The wave of consumer awareness
and preferential buying of goods
made with recycled material is report-
ed to be at an all time high. The pub-
lic has a growing interest in “zero
waste” initiatives where lifestyles and
choices fo-
cus on con-
goods that have no waste to throw
out or can be repurposed for other
uses. Zero waste goes beyond recy-
cling empty bottles into flower pots
and park benches. It focusses on the
pollution prevention hierarchy: to first
reduce and reuse then recycler.
The big question is
what can automo-
tive recyclers do to remind people
that used auto parts are green?
Continued on pag
e 15... www.IowaAutomotiveRecyclers.comEVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY