Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
April 28, 2015 5:15 pm
Recyclers News Press
Page 21
Summer Outing May 29-30, 2015 – Sue has been
working on the Vander Haag’s award luncheon/
program, the trade show booths, the registration
forms and event promotion. She asked the board
members to each submit a couple of photos to be
used for the luncheon/program.
Sue said the vendors are set for the show at the Out-
ing. The Nebraska Auto Recyclers are having a
board meeting at our Outing so will be bringing in sev-
eral people from their group. Sue reported on some
of the sponsorships including Alters and Professional
Sue is already working on the 2016 Summer Outing
to be held in the Mason City – Kensett area. It may
be in Iowa City in 2017 and in Okoboji in 2018 to cele-
brate the 60
Transportation Committee – Mike D., Mike S., EricLP
and Sue. Their duties are to develop a vendor list of
preferred vendors, ask for membership from these
vendors and ask for a discount for the IAR members.
They had their conference call and have started a list
of vendors for making contacts and some have been
contacted already. More data is needed to know what
and where our needs are in this area. Sue will keep a
list of vendors and update it as needed and get it out
to the full membership.
After-market Parts Committee – Toms S., Brent, Brad
and Sue. Their duties are to develop a vendor list of
preferred vendors, create a list of aftermarket brands
currently being sold, identify distributors that can offer
next day delivery, ask for membership and ask for a
discount for the IAR members. They also have had
their conference call. In general, we need a list of
vendors for providing sheet metal and another list for
those for non-sheet metal products. Sue will keep a
list, update it and get it out to the members.
Sue also sent out a sur-
vey to members to build
some data to analysis
that will be helpful in identifying our needs to new po-
tential vendors.
Other Business:
Tabled items: Promotional Cam-
paign, Harmari Quote and Membership Value Defini-
Meeting Schedule
May 29-30, 2015 – 4-6 pm Prairie Meadows face-
to-face prior to the Summer Outing
June 16, 2015 – 5:15 pm conference call
July TBD – Face-to-Face Waterloo
Aug TBD – 5:15 pm conference call
Sep TBD – Face-to-Face— Des Moines
To set Legislative priority
Oct TBD – 5:15 pm conference call
Nov TBD – Face-to-Face Des Moines or Waterloo
Dec TBD – 5:15 pm conference call (plenty of
shopping days til Sue’s Birthday!)
Tom S. made a motion to adjourn with a 2
from Jor-
dan. The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jeff Smid
Jeff Smid, Secretary