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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
April 28, 2015 5:15 pm
Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Mike
Swift, Tom Quandt, Pat Rooff, Jordan Barkow, Joel
McCaw, David Hesmer, Jodi Kunde, Tom Snyder,
Clyde Lems, Mike Waterbury, Brad Osborn, Eric L.
Piper and Jeff Smid.
The meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m by Sue.
Board members were reminded by Sue of the Anti-
trust Statement.
New Business:
Scholarship Update – Jodi said
there are 5 applications for the 2015 IAR scholarship.
She will email the information on each applicant to
the committee made up of Andy, Jordan and Joel.
They will review the applications and make their rec-
ommendation to the board by May 6
Legislative Initiatives – Sue try to run a summary of
this year’s activities in the newsletter. Sue said the
NMVTIS/Affidavit bill has been signed by the gover-
nor to go into effect on January 1, 2016. Jay with
ADD who is a speaker at the upcoming Summer Out-
ing will be talking about this and the effect on Iowa
auto recyclers. The Counterfeit Airbag bill also
passed this session. The Rebuilder Tax Basis bill did
not go through this legislative session so far this year
but hey keep trying. The Sales Tax at the Pool issue
will be our next legislative focus. Sue suggested we
need to draft a redefinition for clarification of code to
go forward with this into next year’s agenda. Jim will
make this a priority.