Transportation Options
Parts Shipping
“The more things change the more they stay
the same.”
So says the old French saying coined
by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, a noted journalist of
“bitter wit.” Some changes are easier to swallow than
others. If you haven’t yet heard Wheeler’s was re-
cently acquired by LKQ Keystone.
“Wheeler’s Autobody Supply/Express Parts has been ac-
quired by the LKQ/Keystone Corporation. LKQ/Keystone
are aggressively seeking successful businesses, and they
acquired Wheelers for their entire business including after-
market, body shop supplies/paint, and our delivery system.
We are very thank full for all the years of support and to
continue servicing you in the same manner we are today.”
Jo Johnson 4/21/2015
We want to thank our old friend Wheeler’s Auto Body
Supply for the years of service and support IAR and
to members in both aftermarket parts and delivery
services. We wish the staff at Wheeler’s the best of
luck and hope to continue to see many of the folks in
the future. We are happy to see that
LKQ Keystone
is registered for a booth at the outing and
look forward to meeting new staff too!
The change was met with expectation of loss of parts
shipping so the IAR Board of Directors and the asso-
ciation staff immediately set about making contact
with other transportation professionals to meet the
Express Parts will not exist in the near future – with the
merge of operation within the LKQ/Keystone delivery sys-
tem there are a lot of changes with routes that just won’t
work in your set up or ours. So as of 6/1/15 Express Parts
will not be in operation any longer.
Jo Johnson 5/4/2015
A vendor list was emailed to members and is availa-
ble upon request. The search was a huge success
especially with the survey data that supported the
great amount of business available to shippers able
to meet our needs. You can meet the new transporta-
tion service providers at the Summer Outing Trade
Show and during training by the SAV Transportation.
Below is an introduction to
Action Express
ASAP Express
who have already stepped up to fill
the gap.
About Us. Your Local Delivery Service Since 1975
Since 1975.
Action Xpress has consistently met the
delivery service needs of Central Iowa. Printed mate-
rials, manufactured goods, appliances and furniture
are moved and installed reliably on a daily basis at
reasonable prices. Whatever your delivery service
requirements, we are there at your convenience with
the right equipment, technology, and expertise.
Online Order System. INTERACTION
- our internet
-based, automated order entry system, allows you the
convenience of ordering delivery service from your
desktop as well as access to past delivery services
history, proof of delivery documentation, and status of
current orders. INTERACTION gives you the control,
access, and convenience of an in-house delivery ser-
vice without the expense and liability.
Action Makes it Happen!
Whatever your delivery
service requirements, we are there at your conven-
ience with the right equipment, technology, and ex-
pertise. The company employs uniformed, well
trained, professional drivers expert in the secure de-
livery of all types of new and used auto parts, stand-
ard and oversized pallets. Our team acts as your per-
sonal delivery service with a courteous and profes-
sional image. In addition to our "white glove" delivery
services, inventory management and fulfillment are
provided in our large, secure warehouse located in
Des Moines with convenient access to Interstate
Highways 35 and 80.
New and additional services offered:
Next day LTL auto parts
Hot Shot services within a 300 miles radius
Call Bruce Mikesell, Sales Manager, Action
Xpress, 515-266-6460.
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Recyclers News Press