Recyclers News Press
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Insurance Program for Iowa Auto Recycler
Wells Fargo Insurance Endorsed
The New Year brings exciting opportunities for Iowa
Automotive Recyclers members! Effective January 1
2015, the
Iowa Auto Recyclers have endorsedWells
Fargo Insurance as the new insurer for the busi-
ness insurance for their members
Wells Fargo Insurance is the exclusively endorsed
agent for the national Automotive Recyclers Associa-
tion. Our dedicated agent, Bill Velin and his staff at
Wells Fargo Insurance, has been writing business in-
surance for the national ARA since mid-2010. The
new opportunity comes to IAR after networking with
Bill at ARA conventions and hearing of the many trials
and tribulations of recyclers insurance coverage is-
sues, cost woes and the changing insurance matri-
ces. IAR President Andy Wilken and Vice President
Brad Osborn met with Bill and Sue in December to
hammer out the details of an endorsed program.
“We feel it is time for the Iowa Auto Recyclers to
look at this insurer like the national ARA did.
Once we met with Wells Fargo Insurance we
wholeheartedly decided to endorse them as well.”
Wells Fargo
Insurance rep-
resents most of
the carriers na-
tionally that
write automo-
tive disman-
tlers and recy-
clers. They do
not limit the
program to one
single carrier
(they have sev-
eral that they work with in Iowa), they write all lines of
coverage including the workers compensation, and
they are one of few agents that has a “backroom” of
services that most agents do not.
Some of those services are a
claim department
which will report and handle claims for Recyclers so
owners can run their business instead of playing claim
adjuster, and a
Risk Management and Loss Control
that specializes in all aspects of Loss
Control such as Safety, Replacement Cost valuations
on facility buildings, OSHA , etc.
With IAR’s support of this national Recyclers Insur-
ance Program come many benefits of synergy and
expertise not found elsewhere. Members should
make every effort to take advantage of the Wells Far-
go Insurance assessment to improve coverage and
possible save money with a move of members’ busi-
nesses to Wells Fargo Insurance.
At the meeting with Bill Velin, it became painfully ap-
parent that a specialist in our industry brings a lot to
the table. There was more than one moment when we
realized the insurance industry has become a com-
plex web of options and having someone to take a
look at an existing policy and “right-size” it to an auto
recyclers industry needs is more important than ever.
Bill’s staff at Wells Fargo Insurance will be sending
out a letter to every member soon, outlining the quick-
est way to transition your business insurance to Wells
Fargo Insurance. After the thorough analysis, facilities
with policies held by any number of particular carriers
will be able to switch the business at renewal, or, if
preferred, can switch it seamlessly right away if it is
written with
one of the par-
ticipating carri-
ers in the Wells
Fargo Pro-
The service
and stability of
being a mem-
ber of this pro-
gram will not
only stabilize
the market-
place for our members but will also result in broader
coverage at better pricing than has been available to
us in the past.
Please feel free to call Sue at 319-290-7843 or, call
the expert,
Bill Velin – the agent for the Program, at
if you need to discuss the new program
opportunity, request a policy analysis or if you have
any urgent matter that require immediate attention.
Thank you!