The Iowa Auto Recyclers NEWSPRESS is sent
to 700+ Auto Recyclers in the Midwest & be-
yond and related businesses throughout the
All pages of the newsletter are in full color
at no additional charge for advertisers.
We de-
creased the “pen to print” turnaround time and enabled
the newsletter to provide more timely information, up-
dates and changes with each addition at no charge!
Additionally, the association will be rewarded through
your advertising fee.
Advertise in the NEWSPRESS now and reach your
target audience! See our online edition at
http:// www.iowaautorecyclers.com/newsletters.htmlContact Sue Schauls at
Schauls3@mchsi.comor 319-
290-7843 for more information on premium advertise-
ment placement opportunities for 2015!
Base ad Rates -
All advertisement can be in full color!
Ad Size
Dimensions 1x Rate 6x Rate
Business Card 2” x 3.5”
¼ Page Ad
3.5” x 4.75”
½ Page Ad
7.25” x 4.75” $250
$1500 /year
Full Page Ad
7.25” x 10”
Inside Cover
7.25” x 10”
Back Cover
7.25” x 7.25” $425
$2550/ year
Associate members are encouraged to submit a profile
article once per year to be featured in the newsletter at
no cost! Call Sue to plan your feature article. We want
to tell auto recyclers all about you!
2233 Maury Street Des Moines, Iowa 50317
Advertise in the
Iowa Automotive Recyclers NEWS PRESS
Advertising Rates 2015
Recyclers News Press
Page 8