As we started the New Year, the flurry of activity re-
minds me of how far we have come in just four short
years especially with major legislative interest right out
of the gate!
I think putting a strategy in place helped!
Membership renewal
is coming along nicely just in
time to update the
Who’s Who Directory
. I like to get
the new one printed and distributed well before the
Summer Outing activity kicks in to high gear in spring.
Hill Day
is right around the corner too. The full
schedule is on page 12 of this edition. I’d love to see
some new faces again this year. Once a member goes
to the Capitol and participates in the process of law-
making they get “the bug” and realize how important
participation is in the legislative process. This year I’d
like to extend a personal invitation for members, both
Direct and Associate, as well as other industry contact
to at least plan on attending the Wednesday, February
25, 2015, evening
PAC reception
. As an appreciation
event for contributors and an introductory welcome re-
ception for those curious about the process. If you al-
ready plan to attend then reach out to another Member
and bring them along. It can’t be that hard to convince
someone to come out for free food and drinks with a
great bunch auto recyclers, even in Iowa in the winter!
You may even decide to come to the
Breakfast on Thursday, February 26, 2015, 7-9 am
in the State Capitol Building. Call me if you plan to
come, I’ll bring you a shirt! You will learn something!
Just a couple of weeks after the Iowa Hill Day events,
we’ll be headed to Washington D.C. for the
Hill Day and Legislative Forum
taking place March
16-17, 2015. We’ll have a chance to meet “newbies.”
Then before you know it we will be fully into our confer-
ence season. Of course planning for the annual Iowa
Auto Recyclers
Summer Outing 2015
is well under
From the Desk of the Executive Director
Sue Speaking
Recyclers News Press
Page 4