The annual Hill Day will be held on Thursday, Feb-
ruary 26, 2015.
Starting at 7 am in the Legislative
Dining room of the State Capitol.
Following our traditional format, Iowa Auto Recyclers
will host a breakfast from 7 to 9 am. During that time
Legislators will be welcomed to come and discuss our
issues and answer questions. A guest speaker will
present a short legislative briefing at 8:45 am. Follow-
ing the breakfast we will head upstairs to meet person-
ally with your local Representative and Senator.
can let your legislator know that you will be in town on
February 26th. If possible ask for a specific time to
meet and make an appointment to visit your local legis-
lator at the Capitol.
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Hill Day Agenda February 25-26, 2015
February 25, 2015 3:00 -5:00 pm
Board of Directors & Members
Strategic Planning Meeting
Embassy Suites - Salon D
101 East Locust Street, Des Moines
5:00-7:00 pm
Embassy Suites Nightly Guest Reception
7:00-9:30 pm
PAC Fundraiser Reception
Embassy Suites - Salon D
101 East Locust Street, Des Moines
February 26, 2015
7:00-9:00 am
Legislative Breakfast
Legislative Dining Room at Capitol
9:00 – 2:00 pm
Members meet with Legislators from their
home districts & Jim Piazza, Jr.
The Iowa Automotive Recyclers will host the 4th
Annual Hill Day on February 26, 2015 in Des
Like in previous years, the Legislative
Breakfast will be held from 7:00 am to 9:00 am in the
Legislative Dining Room of the Iowa Capitol Building.
A shuttle will be provided from the host hotel,
the Em-
bassy Suites in Des Moines, Iowa
. At the event IAR
Members will meet and greet Legislators with coffee,
donuts and breakfast sandwiches to share information
about our industry’s positive impact on the economy,
local jobs and the environment and discuss leveling
the playing field for parties active in the business of
recycling automobiles in Iowa.
Members should invite their elected Senators
& Representatives to attend the 7-9 am break-
fast in the Legislative Dining Room.
The event will be held in conjunction with a Board of
Directors & Membership Meeting on February 25, 2015
at 3 pm at the Embassy Suites. That evening the Iowa
Automotive Recyclers will also host a Political Action
Committee or
PAC Reception at 7:00 pm at the hotel
as an appreciation event for PAC fund contributors as
well as an opportunity for those who would like to learn
more about PAC donations. Hors d’oeuvres will be
served at this fundraiser reception and networking
If you have any questions regarding this event,
please contact me at 319-290-7843 or
schauls3@mchsi.com .How Does an Idea be-
come a Law? A former
state representative
shares some insight with
us on the next page.
Thanks for sharing your
expertise Anesa!
By Anesa Kajtazovic,
Marketing Consultant,
Former State Legislator
Recyclers News Press
Page 12
Hill Day is February 25-26, 2015
Iowa Automotive Recyclers