IAR Recyclers News Press July/ August 2013 - page 23

Page 23
Recyclers News Press
Environmental Standards
Iowa—Certified Auto Recyclers Environmental Program
Environmental Standard 16
Oily wastes such as used oil absorbent and
used oil filters are managed in accordance
with applicable rules.
Oily wastes can have a detrimental effect on the
environment if improper disposed or exposed to
the weather elements. Used oil filters are banned
from Iowa landfills. Additionally, changes to Iowa
Code 455D.13 during the 2008 legislative session
requires retailers that sell oil filters to accept used
oil filters or post a sign informing the public of the
nearest used oil filter collection site.
Oily wastes such as used oil absorbent like clay
granules, kitty litter, oil mats or socks can be haz-
ardous due to the contaminants that were ab-
sorbed. These wastes must be categorized as
hazardous or non-hazardous waste to determine
acceptable on and off-site management practices.
A representative sample of oily waste should be
sent to an analytical laboratory for testing using
the TCLP methodology for the parameters recom-
If hazardous, oily waste must be managed on-site
in accordance with the applicable generator regula-
tions and disposed off-site by an EPA-permitted
hazardous waste management company.
If non-hazardous, oily waste may be recycled on or
off site without restriction. The use of used oily
waste for dust suppression purposes is specifi-
cally banned.
Environmental Standard 17
Fluorescent bulbs are managed as Universal
Waste and properly recycled.
Fluorescent bulbs are mercury-containing lamps
regulated by the Universal Waste Rule (40 CFR
273) to encourage recycling. These lamps are ex-
empt from the more stringent hazardous waste
management standards if recycled.
Storage - The generator must ensure packing is
sufficient to prevent the breakage of used lamps
during accumulation, storage, and transportation.
Used lamps may accumulate for one year.
Labeling - Universal used lamp containers must
be labeled with the words
"Universal Waste -
Lamp(s)" or "Waste Lamps(s)" or "Used Lamp
Hazardous waste lamps that are managed under
the Universal Waste Rule do not have to be in-
cluded in the facility's determination of hazardous
waste generator status (i.e. the facility's hazard-
ous waste inventory).
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