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Recyclers News Press
Environmental Standard 10
Engines and transmissions to be resold are stored
under a permanent roof on an impervious surface,
or in an outside covered weather-proof container.
Scrap core, engines and transmissions are stored
under a permanent roof on an impervious surface,
in an outside covered weather-proof container, or
an impervious surface that drains to an oil-water
Improperly stored engines and transmission can re-
lease motor oil and transmission fluid to the environ-
ment and contaminate storm water runoff.
Environmental Standard 11
Vehicle hoods are routinely kept closed to reduce
exposure to rain fall of engines that remain in the
vehicles stored in the yard.
Practices that reduce the expose of grease and oils to
the weather elements make good Best Management
Practices (BMPs) that can be included in the facility’s
Storm Water Pollution prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Environmental Standard 12
Spent solvents from parts cleaning systems are
disposed of with an authorized processor.
Waste generated from the cleaning of vehicle or ma-
chine parts may be hazardous due to lead, benzene,
or other parameters if their concentrations meet or ex-
ceed the allowable limits established by the EPA.
Waste petroleum-based solvent also exhibits the char-
acteristic of ignitability (flash point below 140 degrees
Fahrenheit) therefore is hazardous waste. Hazardous
waste must be included in the facility’s hazardous
waste inventory and removed by an EPA-permitted
hazardous waste management company.
Environmental Standard 13
Wash water from water-based parts washers is ei-
ther recycled or disposed in an approved manner.
All methods of industrial or commercial wastewater
discharge are subject to some type of permit, approval
or contaminant restriction. At a minimum, all commer-
cial wastewater discharge activity should be reported
to the publicly owned treatment works (POTW).
Facilities that discharge wastewater to a surface water
must obtain a federal National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit. October 6, 1994,
correspondence from the Iowa DNR states:
Environmental Standards
Iowa—Certified Auto Recyclers Environmental Program