Auto Glass Removal
with Invisible Heat
In recent years, the states and EPA have
placed greater emphasis on regulating
storm water discharges from various in-
dustrial under the Clean Water Act
through storm water permits. The stan-
dard approach required in these
general permits is for a facility to
develop a storm water pollution preven-
tion plan (SWPPP) incorporating best
management practices (BMPs) that will
be followed to reduce pollutant impacts to
storm water discharged from the facility.
Continued on page 13...
September / October 2013
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
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Summer Outing 2013 Recap
High Performance Induction Heat Sys-
tems are capable of removing auto
glass in a fraction of the time as con-
ventional methods, with little need to
pull the interior and no collateral dam-
age! Induction heating is created by
high frequency
magnetic fields,
AND does not af-
fect plastic, rubber
or glass but only
the ferrous metal
that glass is
bonded too.
How It Works
With this Invisible
Heat® the metal
quickly heats within seconds, releas-
ing the adhesive so the window is re-
moved using outward pressure. No
wires or knives needed! Quarter glass
can be removed in as little 2 minutes
without removing any interior fitting.
As knives are not used, the glass is
safely removed without damage to the
encapsulation and guide pins, making
reinstallation fast.
The energy field emitted from the in-
duction heater ex-
cites the molecules
of the metal pinch
weld where the
urethane bead is
attached. As the
molecules of the
metal are excited
and move, the
metal instantly
gets hot. This In-
visible Heat re-
leases the ure-
thane in hard to reach areas such as
curves and deep pockets, where other
glass tools can’t. Back glass can be
removed in less than 10 minutes.
Continued on page 8...
Storm Water Permits