IAR Recyclers News Press September / October 2013 - page 4

Page 4
Recyclers News Press
Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe that another summer has flown
by so fast! I hope everyone had a great summer.
The Board has been working hard on getting the
Iowa Affidavit simplified. Board members feel it is
beneficial to us as recyclers. The Affidavit will be
delivered to the DOT and Attorney General. The
Board is trying to set up meetings to discuss this
with the legislative committee and the Dot and Attor-
ney General sometime here in the near future. If
you have questions in regards to this draft please
don't hesitate to contact one of us.
ARA's 70th Annual Convention and Expo is taking
place in Phoenix, Arizona on November 6-9th. This
is a good event to attend as it is going to have a lot
of information for the newest technology, products
and services that can give you the competitive
edge. Check it out.
If you get the Auto Recycler's Tool Box magazine,
you should check out the article "NMVITIS LAW
CHANGES". It gives you a break down on what the
other states are requiring the auto dealers to do with
the purchase of vehicles. There are details and links
to the actual laws at
Thank you all for helping the association
be a success,
Tracy Hurst,
President Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
President’s Pitch
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