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Recyclers News Press
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
December 9, 2015
Via teleconference
Ace Auto Recyclers
Iowa City, IA
www.AceAutoRecyclers.comAction Auto Parts
Marshalltown, IA
www.action-auto-parts.comAikey Auto Salvage
Cedar Falls, IA
www.AikeyAutoSalvage.comAirline Auto Parts
Waterloo, IA
www.airlineautopartsinc.comAWE Auto Service
Traer, IA
www.awesalvage.comB & B Salvage
Sioux Center, IA
www.BandBSalvage.netBurlington Recycling & Auto Parts
Burlington, IA
burlingtonrecyclingandautoparts.comCharlie Brown Auto, Ltd.
Creston, IA
www.CBAutoLtd.comChase Auto Parts Company, Inc
Waterloo, IA
www.sunline-chase.comDon's Auto & Truck Salvage
Des Moines, IA
www.DonsAutoTruck.comDumont Auto Parts
Dumont, IA
Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Mike Swift, Brad Os-
born, Tom Quandt, David Hesmer, Pat Rooff, Eric L. Piper, Eric C.
Piper, Mike Garvin, Mike Davidson, Mike Waterbury, Tom Snyder and
Jim Piazza, Jr.
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
NMVTIS/Affidavit Rule Writing – Sue said we have not received the
rule draft yet. Sue does not think the written rules will be available un-
til after the law goes into effect on January 1, 2016, Jim P., IAR Lobby-
ist, agreed. Sue/Jim said we can take cars without title per the new
law even without the rules being written. Jim said that any necessary
rule changes will probably have to be done by lobbying the House and
Senate. One such change would be making lien check mandatory
and requiring the affidavit of ownership in writing. Once the written rule
is filed then the public will have 20 days +/- to comment. We may be
able to view the draft prior to publication but the time is getting very
short so that seem unlikely now. Jim suggested making a subcommit-
tee of the legislative committee to work on our response with a quick
Sue has been working on an affidavit form in anticipation of the DOT
not developing one. Sue went through information to be included on
the form and Jim added his suggestions. It was decided that the form
will be refined then Jim will do a final review. That final standardized
form will be offered to the IAR members and scrap metal facilities and
also to the DOT to adopt.
OEM Data Bill/Amendment - Mike Swift (ARA President) recapped the
news about the amendment on the transportation bill that just passed
which was put forth by the ARA. The bill will compel automakers to
provide VIN data on parts, specifically recalled parts, in batch form
that will be able to be integrated into inventory management systems
so that recalled parts will be flagged at point-of-sale. This amendment
will also provide more detailed info on all parts, not just recalled ones.
The access to this
data will make parts
matching to custom-
er’s needs much
better and safer.