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Buying a Scrap Vehicle without

a Title in Iowa

January / February 2016

Iowa Auto Recyclers

Inside this issue:

New Iowa Law: Affidavit and NMVTIS from front cover 18 Hill Day March 23-24, 2016 6 OSHA 300 Online Reprting 10 Dangerous Goods Shipping 12 Scholarship Form 13 Workers’ Comp 18 ARA Update 24

Advocacy is the means by which a

group of like-minded folks go to their

legislative body to promote an idea

that should better their state pertain-

ing to the subject that unified the

folks in the first place. Such is the

case when the Iowa Auto Recycler

responded to an op-

portunity to develop a

process by which the

legal owner of a vehi-

cle could get rid of the

car from the “back for-

ty” without a title or

the need to embark

on a lengthy process with the local

police department.

The Iowa Affidavit Rule is a tool to

protect consumers from fraud when

dealing with black market scrapper.

The new tool is

an affidavit sale of a

vehicle in Iowa to a licensed auto-

motive recycler

by the rightful

owner of the car or truck without a

title. The Iowa Automotive Recyclers

worked with Auto Data Direct, an in-

dustry expert, the scrap metal recy-

clers and the Iowa Department of

Transportation to craft a bill that the

Governor signed in April 2015.

The new law has yet to be written in-

to rule but still became effective on

January 1, 2016.

In response, IAR developed a sample

form to help recyclers capture the re-

quired and recommended data to

make the acquisition

with maximum protec-

tion to the buyer. The

form can be download-

ed from the Iowa Au-

tomotive Recyclers

website at Legislative/Affidavit_Form_IOWA_v4.pdf

The idea was to create a legal ave-

nue for these vehicle as a means to

protect consumers from fraud by the

black market operators who may nev-

er retire the VIN from the system as

is required by the rule. Recyclers that

buy a vehicle on an affidavit of own-

ership must report the vehicle to the

National Motor Vehicle Titling Infor-

mation System or NMVTIS as


within two business days.

The vehicle can never again be re-

built or sold as road worthy.

Continued on page 16…





a written statement con-

firmed by oath or affirmation,

for use as evidence in court.

Iowa Automotive Recyclers

HILL DAYs March 23-24, 2016

Be a champion for change. Join us in Des Moines!