Recyclers News Press
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ARA Updates
ARA Secures Critical OE Part Number Data
for Automotive Recycling Industry
On December 4, 2015, President Obama signed into
law the Fixing America's Surface Transportation
(FAST) Act legislation including the provision that
requires automotive manufacturers to provide
original equipment (OE) parts data for recalled
ARA worked around the clock for
months to secure this critical language in the bill.
When enacted, this new law will require automakers
to make publicly available the OE part names, part
descriptions and part numbers of a vehicle's defec-
tive components that are subject to a recall.
This is a
significant step forward in ARA's quest for motor
vehicle parts data
. At last, there will be federal stat-
utory language mandating manufacturers to make
OE part numbers available to the public. This lan-
guage is a critical step as it provides a basis for ARA
action in the coming months to work with regulators
to secure electronic access to part numbers of re-
called components tied to Vehicle Identification Num-
bers (VINs). ARA will continue to educate policymak-
ers that it is only with electronic access to part num-
bers associated with specific VINs that professional
automotive recyclers can comply with the TREAD Act
of 15 years ago in which Congress prohibited the
sale of non-remedied recalled automotive parts.
ARA thanks supporters in Congress - most notably
Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Senator
John Thune of South Dakota who champion the
quest for this critical OE parts language. The bill in-
cludes other recall-related provisions that: calls for a
pilot grant program for States to notify consumers of
vehicle recalls, establishes incentives for dealers to
check for open recalls at the time of service for all
patrons and requires rental car companies to ground
vehicles that are subject to an open safety recall until
they are fixed.