Recyclers News Press
Page 5
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
April 21, 2015 5:15 pm
New Business:
Announcement of the acquisition of
Wheelers/Express Parts by LKQ - Sue read the
statement as prepared by Jo Johnson announcing the
sale of Wheelers/Express Parts. Sue has sent that to
the direct members of the IAR.
A lot of discussion ensued about this sale as far as
what the IAR should do and what as a board we need
to do. It was decided to form two committees to pre-
pare lists of alternative vendors; one for transportation
and one for after-market parts. The committees are:
Transportation Committee – MikeD, MikeS, EricLP
and Sue. Their duties are to develop a vendor list of
alternative vendors, ask for membership from these
vendors and ask for a discount for the IAR members.
There will be a conference call for the committee on
Monday, April 27
at 5:15 pm.
After-market Parts Committee – TomsS, Brent, Brad
and Sue. Their duties are to develop a vendor list of
alternative vendors, create a list of brands currently
distributed by Wheelers, identify distributors that can
offer next day delivery, ask for membership and ask
for a discount for the IAR members. A conference
call will be set up for the committee for Thursday,
April 23rd at 7:45 am.
Legislative Initiatives - We will reconvene the board
meeting next Tuesday, April 28
and this topic will be
on the list to discuss at that time.
Summer Outing – Prairie Meadows – Altoona, IA on
May 29-30, 2015 – Sue said the Outing is progressing
well. The only hitch so far has been that Charitable
Chariots has been discontinued. State Farm Insur-
ance, though, had donated a full sized van to Charita-
ble Chariots to be given away at a later date when the
van is outfitted with a wheel chair lift. It may be do-
nated at Quandt’s with some media promotion when
the van is complete. Tom S. made a motion to pay
$500 to Trails End for a wheel chair lift to be used in
the van to be donated by the human services organi-
zation that we worked with last year when the Charita-
ble Chariot was given away at Quandt’s/Summer Out-
ing 2014. Mike W. seconded the motion; motion car-
Green Recycled Parts Promotional Campaign – Will
be discussed at next meeting.
New Direct Member – Brent made a motion to accept
Burlington Recycling & Auto Parts from Burlington as
a direct member; Brad seconded the motion; motion
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jeff Smid
Jeff Smid, Secretary
More meeting notes on page 20