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Recyclers News Press
Members present: Andy Wilken, Sue Schauls, Mike
Swift, Brad Osborn, Mike Davidson, Tom Quandt,
Brent Nugent, Jordan Barkow, Joel McCaw, Pat
Rooff, Jodi Kunde, Tom Snyder, Eric C. Piper, Eric L.
Piper and Joel McCaw.
President Andy Wilken called the meeting to order at
5:23 p.m.
New Business:
Vendor Lists Updates – Sue asked for a discussion
following the transportation committee meeting and
after-market/sheet metal committee meeting.
Transportation Committee – There was discussion on
transportation vendors being associate members, get-
ting member discounting programs initiated and how
to get the list out to IAR members. There is a definite
need for transportation vendors especially out of the
central Iowa area. Sue has made a list and is updat-
ing it to eventually put on the IAR website. It was de-
cided to have another committee conference call to
solidify the list and get potential discounts nailed
down for the members. Sue would like to get the final
list into the next newsletter which has an August 20
After-Market/Sheet Metal Committee – There was
discussion on this and the lack of vendors and/or dis-
tributors. It was suggested to table this until more
information can be gathered with a possible meeting
of the committee.
Insurance List – Sue has compiled a list of insurance
businesses and is working on discounts with them.
She will put the information on the website when final-
Marketing Campaign – Sue and Jordan have met to
discuss ways to improve marketing of the IAR. Sue
has created and designed a new website that will pro-
vide a more comprehensive site for members to ac-
cess as well as promote the industry at
www.IowaAutomotiveRecyclers.com .Jordan went
over the ideas that will be incorporated into the new
website that will be used in conjunction with the pre-
sent one. He said the new one will be more user-
friendly and comprehensive and beneficial to the
members. It will cater to the members and show to
our customer base what we do and why we do it. Jor-
dan plans to add language to the home page so it will
be from the recycler’s perspective. The vendor lists
may be included on the website. We will continue to
use some useful features of the current website.
Sue explained that we need to refine our message to
the customer base and show the positive aspects of
our industry such as: we offer green recycled parts
that are home grown, we pay both sales tax and prop-
erty tax and we require our members to be certified.
Sue asked for board members to suggest any of their
catch phrases and other ideas to her as the website
gets designed. She also asked about designing a
poster that can be sent to members’ yards to hang.
Iowa Automotive Recyclers
Board of Directors Meeting
June 16, 2015 5:15 pm